Vintage and Antique Hardware

All Redneck Farm Girls need a wide selection of hardware from which to choose to create their fantasy furniture-come-true. Pulls, knobs, brackets, hooks, hinges, locks, escutcheon plates, finials, rods and metal cartouches are just a few of our hardware pieces in our inventory! Yes, that’s right, they are right from the Amish farms of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Often purchased weekly, along with some whoopie pie and soft pretzels, we enhance our selection of hardware nearly every time we go to visit our five Amish furniture makers - which is a lot. Come on in and see what’s in store.

We are known for our vintage style metal brackets, as well! Available in lengths of 6, 11 and 15 inches, these cool old-fashioned style brackets can support our shelving of pine Barnwood for purchase as a set to hang on your wall today!

Please visit the section on Shelving in our website for more information on stock and custom shelving.